What Is Your Current Reading Mood?

All bookworms get into reading moods...whether they feel like reading EVERYTHING or reading upside-down or reading with cake in their hair -- we experience them all. Take the quiz and find out your current reading mood. #Totally #Guaranteed #Accuracy

Paper Fury
Created by Paper Fury (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On May 12, 2017

How many books do you read at once?

Okay but have you ever bought a book JUST for the cover?? Be honest. I can see the truth in your eyes.

What are you currently reading?

How do you feel about the last 5-star book you read?

What is the best type of lettuce?

How do you decide what book to read next?

How many books do you read per month?

Pick a comfortable reading nook.

How terrifyingly huge is your TBR?

Tell us about your most anticipated book for this year?!?

The Gobbler

The Gobbler

You know that feeling when you just want to read EVERY BOOK AT EVER AND RIGHT NOW??? That is a good feeling. That is your feeling. You probably just had a good run of some top-notch books. And your highly anticipating some more! You want to read so much right now and you're making a GRAND dent in your TBR. Good job.

The Hungover

The Hungover

Do you still feel flattened from your last excellent read? CONGRATS. WELCOME TO THE DARKNESS OF BOOK HANGOVERS. Now you're at this stage where nothing compares to that last good book you read. What are you supposed to do?? Nothing is good enough. All other books are ASH UPON YOUR EYEBALLS. You don’t even feel like reading something new because you are still obsessing over that last pinnacle book of awesome.

Whoever said that good books are all fun and games is wrong. They are suffering. UGH GOOD BOOKS YOU RUIN US.

The Overwhelmed

The Overwhelmed

This is your mood when you realise the average human lives 79 years and you have 1,674 books on your TBR which means you have to read about 28 books per day. But that's providing you don't add MORE books to your TBR. Which you will. Immediately. And honestly it's overwhelming. There are SO MANY BOOKS and you want to read THEM ALL. So which one do you even start with????? How do you pick?????

You generally end up reading nothing and having a crisis on the carpet instead. And you go through a lot of ice cream. Which is actually a positive because ice cream is freaking delicious.

The Piner

The Piner

Congrats! You are a pine tree! JUST KIDDING. Actually your mood is "painfully pining for the future" because even though you have a TBR of a million good looking books...you only truly have eyes for that one book THAT ISN'T RELEASED YET. So you pine after it desperately. Sometimes it's a book that IS released, but you just don't own it. And you need it. You would chew through glaciers to get to it omg. But ohhh to that book releasing in June. Why isn't it June. And that one in September? WHY ISN'T IT SEPTEMBER. Also why isn't it JANUARY 2019 BECAUSE YOU HAVE NEEDS HERE.

Are the books always greener in the future? Ya.

The Busyness

The Busyness

This is your mood because you have NO TIME TO READ. Your life is full of beautiful and enticing books but you have work/school/kids/or are trapped in an Alaskan glacier and can't get out. You might just cry. You are tired and need some time to read. This is just not faaaair.

You generally end up getting like 1 book done in a month and your TBR is growing much faster than you can manage it. RIP you as it crushes you flat.

The Indecisive

The Indecisive

This is the mood when you can't decide. You can't choose anything at all of ever. IT'S TOO HARD. Do you feel like reading an epic fantasy? Or a fluffy fun contemporary? Or that ARC from 1804 that you've been meaning to get to?? Or that book you just bought on a glorious sale? Or that library book that is about to hit you in the left eye with a FINE if you don't read it and return it already???? WHAT DO YOU FEEL LIKE.

YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW. So you end up making croissants and learning French instead.

The Oooh Shiny!

The Oooh Shiny!

This is when your mood when there are so many shiny and exciting books and you just GOTTA CHASE 'EM ALL. At once. Immediately. So woah, you're reading 7 or 24 books at once, but no big deal. Books are beautiful. Can you fit them all in your mouth at once, I wonder.

This mood generally equals a lot of book collecting too. Particularly gorgeous covers. Particularly shiny covers. It'd be nice if you just sAT stILL and finished reading one book though.

The Rereader

The Rereader

Here is the mood of when you just want to be with your old friends again!!! Your old book friends, that is, because you read so much all your living-friends have forgotten your name and are using your head as a pot plant holder. BUT WHATEVER. Rereading is wonderful because (A) you know you're going to enjoy this book, and (B) what are books for if not to enjoy multiple times?! This is a mood of comfort and coziness and rekindled love.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021