Who Is Your Current Game Of Thrones Husband?
Who Is Your Current Game Of Thrones Husband?
All men must wed.
All men must wed.

Does true love really conquer all?
Which character trait do you despise most in a partner?
If you could excel in only one area, which would it be?
Whose death would you like to avenge?
You want your GOT Husband to rule which of the following?
What body part are you most attracted to?
But, who's really the ruler of Westeros?
Which house would you rather marry into?
Jamie Lannister
Jamie Lannister
Your current GOT husband is Jamie Lannister! You need a man that will fight for you with honor and respect. Sure, he may have to travel here and there, and often on dangerous missions, but every time the two of you reunite it's brings you closer than ever. This family man is sure not to let you down.
Jon Snow
Jon Snow
Your current GOT husband is Jon Snow! There's something sexy about a brooding, resurrected man such as this, right? He may have his mood swings, but it's only because he's in touch with his deepest emotions. Besides, how can you resist those dark, puppy-dog eyes?
Bran Stark
Bran Stark
Your current GOT husband is Bran Stark! You need a man with an independent streak and boy, does Bran know how to do his own thing. He has a deeper purpose in life that surpasses blood and war, which makes for interesting conversation and intellect that keeps you on your toes!
Jorah Mormont
Jorah Mormont
Your current GOT husband is Jorah Mormont! He won't quit you no matter how many times you cut him loose. This man is loyal to ends. When he believes in a cause he fights for himself and proves himself worthy of your love, regardless of the risk involved. It's nice to have a protector around, isn't it?
Daario Naharis
Daario Naharis
Your current GOT husband is Daario Neharis! He's the typical stud in armor, that oozes confidence beyond his own good. But what he lacks in humility he makes up for in wit, and you can't forget he's the ultimate support system. Once you have this warrior's heart. he'll follow you to the ends of the world to help you pursue your dreams.
Tommen Baratheon
Tommen Baratheon
Your current GOT husband is Tommen Baratheon! He may be a little young and naive, but his heart is much bigger than you'd expect. He not only worships your body and beauty, but appreciated your soul. You'll never lack communication with this young king, especially since he's a hopeless romantic at the core!