How Popular Are Your Eating Habits?

We all have that one friend who eats like he's from another planet. Yet, he or she is not alone, as most people have some slightly irregular eating habits. Answer the polls below to find out just how usual, or unusual, yours are.

Patty Gerald
Created by Patty Gerald
On Mar 13, 2017
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Do you have breakfast?

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How do you like your eggs?

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How do you make your cereal?

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It's bagel time!

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You're about to eat a burger...

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You're food comes with a side rice...

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Which type of bread do you prefer:

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What's on top of your pizza?

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You're at the movies, do you choose sweet or savory snacks?

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How do you like your steak?

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This is a tough one: chocolate or vanilla?

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If you have a sweet tooth:

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When you need that caffeine boost:

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So how popular are your eating habits?

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