Which Tejana Are You?
Which Tejana Are You?
Do you know which Tejana superstar you are? Take the quiz and find out.
Do you know which Tejana superstar you are? Take the quiz and find out.

What color do you wear for a night out on the town?
What’s your favorite decade of fashion?
Who/What runs the world?
What do you do on a day off?
Pumps, flats, stilettos, or boots?
What is one accessory you can’t leave the house without?
What would you enjoy most on a Saturday?
What’s your favorite TV channel?
What’s your dream car?
What’s your favorite Tejana accessory?
What is your dress-down outfit?
Selena Quintanilla
Selena Quintanilla
You are a true Tejana. You are proud of your roots and you want to let the world know it. Keep up the great work and let others know that Tejanas are fierce, fabulous, and legendary!
You are so close to being a Tejana is hurts. Your love and appreciation for Tejana culture is worthy of an honorary Tejana title. Be proud of your ability to understand, embrace, and love a culture that it not entirely yours.
Demi Lovato
Demi Lovato
The most Tejana thing about you is that you come from Texas, but you have a kick-ass attitude that everyone loves. You are fearless and you have no problem standing up for what you believe in. Pretty cool.
Selena Gomez
Selena Gomez
You are the cute Tejana next door. You aren’t overtly displaying your Tejana roots, which is fine because people need to respect you as you are. You’re ability to be cute and personable will take you far in this crazy world.