How Much Do You Really Know About Middle Earth?
How Much Do You Really Know About Middle Earth?
Think you're Steven Colbert? You're on!
Think you're Steven Colbert? You're on!
Who in the fellowship are cousins?
How many arrows killed Boromir in the Two Towers?
Who really destroyed the ring?
What killed Gandalf the Grey?
Who killed Sarumon the White?
Who killed the Witch King?
Who says this:
"The Beacons are lit! Gondor calls for aid!"
How many pages are in all three books?
Who is the oldest member of the fellowship?
What is the first line of the poem of the ring?
What are Aragorn's and Gandalf's elvish names?
What is the elvish bread the elves give the fellowship called?
How many loaves of Lembas bread does Pippin eat at the dock?
Who banishes Eomer from Rohan?
What is the term for an Oliphant in the language of Mordor?
What is the great tower called at Helms Deep?
What is the last sentence of Return of the King?
You know your stuff!
You know your stuff!
You surely have paid attention when reading the books! You would be the wisest of all and you would hold the secret for destroying Sauron!
You know enough...
You know enough...
You did pay attention but got distracted. You could definitely live in middle earth but some like Gandalf would be wiser. Read the books again and you will surely be a master of Middle Earth!
You should definitely pay more attention!
You should definitely pay more attention!
You did not pay attention... Maybe you did but you certainly didn't remember. You should definitely read the books again.