What fandom should you join?

Whether it's the Harry Potter, My Little Pony, or Avengers fandom, find out which one you belong in!

Created by pinkiepie.taylorswift.joshdun (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Oct 5, 2016

Pick a character!

What would your friends describe you as?

What do you do in your free time?

What's your favorite dessert?

On a scale from 1-5, 5 being the best, how would you rate this quiz? (this won't affect your score)

The Avengers fandom!

The Avengers fandom!

You got the Avengers fandom! First watch the movies and than the comics, and be sure to watch a new MARVEL character movie when it comes out because they might become an avenger! Have fun in your new fandom!

The My Little Pony fandom!

The My Little Pony fandom!

Congrats, you got the most magical fandom there is! Though some people think the show is just for little kids, (it's really not) it's actually a pretty cool fandom! Have fun in your new fandom!

The Harry Potter fandom!

The Harry Potter fandom!

You got the Harry Potter fandom! Be sure to read the books before the movies, as they are MUCH better and have more detail. (The books, not the movies.) If you agree, comment! Have fun in your new fandom!

The Gravity falls fandom!

The Gravity falls fandom!

Boo! You got the Gravity Falls fandom! Be sure to watch all the episodes in order, and always pay attention to detail, as it all comes together in the end. Trust me! Have fun in your new fandom!

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On Nov 18, 2021