What Type Of Serial Killer Hides Inside Of You?
What Type Of Serial Killer Hides Inside Of You?
Do you dare face the darkest part of your mind?
Do you dare face the darkest part of your mind?

How does this image make you feel?
How about this one?
Vigilante Killer
Vigilante Killer
You have a strong sense of right and wrong and feel responsible when justice isn't served. You would rather take matters into your own hands before letting people whom you find incompetent to handle it.
You tend to initiate events, to be a leader rather than follower, and possess a powerful personality. You tend to be focused on specific goals, experience a wealth of creative new ideas, and have the ability to implement these ideas with efficiency and determination.
Psychopath Killer
Psychopath Killer
You are not a very social person, you prefer being alone in your apartment, doing your own thing, with no intervention from the outside world. You are not a very emphatic person, but you don't see that as a problem, you see that as an advantage!
You have a deep desire to use your abilities in leadership, and to have personal independence. You would rather focus on large, important issues, and delegate the details.
You are competent, practical, and often obtain great power and wealth. You tend to be successful in business and commercial affairs, and are able to achieve great material dreams.
Euthanasia Killer
Euthanasia Killer
You're quite extraordinary and see the world for its beauty and not for its faults. Many consider you to be a valuable part of their lives as you are quite pure and noble. You hate to see people suffer and if you could, you would help all those who seek to end their misery.
You possess a deep inner desire for love and want to work with others to achieve peace and harmony. You tend to be passionate, compassionate, intuitive, romantic, and have a truly magnetic personality.
Sadistic Killer
Sadistic Killer
When wronged, you don't just get angry, but furious and want to punish everyone responsible for your misfortune, whether they actively participated in your suffering or not. You would sooner punish everyone and not be harmed again.
You value truth, justice, and discipline, and may be quick-tempered and even cruel to those who do not.
Hedonistic Killer
Hedonistic Killer
Your personal manner and the way you interact with people makes you very attractive and often draws more attention to you than to others.
You're rather decadent and like to indulge in almost anything that gives you pleasure. You like to put yourself and your needs before others and simply love being in the spotlight. You feel a constant need to feed your insatiable hunger at all costs and seldom care for the price that one day you might need to pay.
Ritualistic Killer
Ritualistic Killer
You have a vivid imagination and sometimes dream vividly of a place far away. You're lively and animated, have many different groups of friend and are usually in the limelight.
You're a fairly spiritual person. You like symbolism and patterns and there are some aspects of religion that you find really appealing.
Thrill Killer
Thrill Killer
You're confident beyond measure and see the world as your playground. You haven't got much regard for rules and prefer to make up your own as you go along.
You prefer to lead a whimsical life and sometimes do things just to see what happens next. You tend to get bored rather easily and constantly search for the next big thrill.
There is no trace of killer inside you
There is no trace of killer inside you
You are the nicest, most happy-go-lucky person out there! There isn't a single bad bone in your body!
You always have a smile on your face, you always have positive thoughts, you LOVE helping others and surrounding yourself with friends and family. What are you even taking this quiz for?