Which Halloween Villain Are You When You're Angry?
Which Halloween Villain Are You When You're Angry?
Who do you become when you unleash your fury?
Who do you become when you unleash your fury?

When someone hurts you, your first inclination is to:
What irritates you more?
How do you manage your anger?
Do you ever get violent when you're angry?
Do you enjoy getting even with people who annoy you?
What's your pet peeve?
Do you trust people with your secrets?
If you had to kill someone out of rage, how would you do it?
You harbor your anger, but when you finally explode, you will lash out at the first person that you stumble upon, regardless of whether or not they're at fault. Your anger is strong and unforgiving and god help those who stand in your way!
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Freddy Krueger
Freddy Krueger
Sure, you made a few mistakes in the past, but once personally attacked, your anger knows no bounds. You are creative in channeling your anger, often using the passive-aggressive technique, though your strength lies in your ability to get inside people's heads to truly express your rage.
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You tend to get very frustrated more often than actually angry. Your anger stems from obstacles that prevent you from getting what you want. The only time that your anger truly comes though is when you're hungry and all hell breaks loose.
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Michael Myers
Michael Myers
You hate sharing your things, and nothing makes you angrier than other people touching your things or stealing your thunder. Your anger may often stem from jealousy and that's when you're prepared to destroy anyone who stands in your way.
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You have a short fuse and it takes little to set you off and unleash the fire spitting gates of hell! You think on your feet and are fast to respond, though you always think of a clever way to deal with them. When truly infuriated, you will lash out and destroy your opponent before they even knew what happened.
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