Which Religion Are You Subconsciously Practicing?
Which Religion Are You Subconsciously Practicing?
What religious practice are you following without even knowing it?
What religious practice are you following without even knowing it?

Do you consider yourself to be a spiritual person?
Are you more collectivist or individualistic?
How important is education to you?
How often do you drink alcoholic beverages?
How often do you eat meat?
Casual sex or relationship sex: Which do you prefer?
Do you believe that everything in the universe possess a "spirit"?
Are you good at picking up on "vibes"?
The world is _____
Leading your life to humanity is central to your life, much like the Bahá'í Faith. You tend to abstain from narcotics, alcohol, or any substances that affect the mind and consider human sexuality to be a gift. You believe in abandonment of all prejudice, equality between the sexes, recognition of the common source and essential oneness of the world's great religions; elimination of the extremes of poverty and wealth; universal compulsory education; responsibility of each individual to search independently for truth.
You're laid back, open minded, tolerant and accepting. You connect with the rest of the human race and firmly believe in the concept of "live and let live". Being agnostic does not mean you hate religion, It's the most non-committal way to commit to a belief system. You can look at at as spirituality's smorgasbord!
Celtic Paganism
Celtic Paganism
You are quite proud and feel a strong need to honor those who have earned your respect. You're a loyal friend and tend to be quite hospitable. You are very honest and seldom shy away from saying what you really thing. You are also brave and courageous and have a strong sense of right and wrong.
New Age
New Age
You're highly sensitive and very much in tune with the universe. You believe that humanity—indeed all life, everything in the universe—is spiritually interconnected, participating in the same energy. For you death is not the end. You believe that the mind has hidden powers and abilities, which have a spiritual significance. The food you eat has an effect on your mind as well as your body so you generally prefer to eat fresh organic or vegetarian food.
You are highly logical and confident while your ability to stay grounded gives you great insight into who you are. You tend to not really believe in moral absolutes and assess the good or bad of an action or thought in the context in which it occurs: circumstances, intention, purpose, time, location, are all relevant in assessing whether an action is bad. human beings are good, and that the world is good. Evil enters the world from outside.
You are a highly spiritual and sensitive person who believes that there is a life force that connects all living beings. You often feel that everything and everyone has a spirit, including animals and elements in nature. You may also believe that the ancestors' spirits are with you in times of need and that they are honored and respected. You tend to look at things beyond the physical realm and believe that everything can be helped with a bit of spirituality and a sprinkle of magic.