Can We Tell What President You Are Most Like?

Go through a series of questions and let us see if we can tell what president you are for.

Created by Penguin (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Feb 29, 2016

How do you feel about Trump becoming president?

Are you religious?

What do you think our next president should be like?

Can you recognize which quote Donald Trump said?

Which candidate will be the first billionaire president.

Which candidate will be the first Jewish president?

Trump Train

Trump Train

You are with trump all the way. You love what Donald Trump says, thinks, and does.

Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz

You love what Cruz is doing so far with the elections, you totally hate Donald Trump, and everyone else that is running. GO CRUZ!!!

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio

You are for everything that Rubio is doing, you have been to almost everyone of his debates. You love his story on how he came to be. You are totally religious and agree with his opinions completely!

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

You are totally on the Democratic side and loving Hillary and don't care about her past! Go Hillary!!

Ben Carson

Ben Carson

You are totally going for what Carson is saying. You admire what Carson has done in the medical world, and hope he becomes president.

Bernie Sanders

Bernie Sanders

You are most likely a collage student or someone younger that loves what Bernie is saying at every debate. You can't wait for him to become president!

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