How Well Do You Know TV Show Theme Songs?
How Well Do You Know TV Show Theme Songs?
Warm up your pipes and dig into that brain of yours and see if you can finish the lyrics to some of the most popular television theme songs around (old and new).
Warm up your pipes and dig into that brain of yours and see if you can finish the lyrics to some of the most popular television theme songs around (old and new).

“I got in one little fight, and my mom got scared and said you’re..."
"When you came in the air went out. And every shadow..."
"But where are those good old fashion..."
"Think of all the roads, think of all their crossings. Taking steps is easy..."
Got a secret, can you keep it?"
"Riding through this world all alone. God takes your soul..."
Thank you for being a friend. Traveled down the road..."
As days go by, it's the bigger..."
"They're creepy and they're kooky......They're all together ooky, The Addams Family."
"So no one told you life..."
"She won't know that I'm there.
If I will be alright.
It's alright 'coz I'm saved by the bell."