Only 2 in 45 Americans Can Pass This Black History Quiz
Only 2 in 45 Americans Can Pass This Black History Quiz
Are you among the 2 in 45? Take our quiz to find out!
Are you among the 2 in 45? Take our quiz to find out!

Who said this?
Viola Davis was the first Black woman to win a Golden Globe. For which project?
The most celebrated and respected writers/poets of the Harlem Renaissance.
Who said this?
Wendell Scott was the first Black what?
How many NBA records did Wilt Chamberlain have?
She was at the forefront of the “jazz baby” movement in the US and Europe.
Who said this?
Louis Armstrong, one of the most influential artists in jazz history, played what instrument?
Identify this Black innovator.
Identify this black man who bravely fought for the cause of the abolishment of slavery in the US
Wrote her iconic first biography, "I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings".
Phillis Wheatley was the first:
Who invented the modern day letter box?
In 2010 Michelle Obama passed The School Lunch program which requires districts to serve more healthy options.
Giovanni's Room was written by which iconic Black gay author?
George Washington Carver developed hundreds of products using the peanut and what other two crops?
Which Black woman invented a line of Black hair care products in 1905?
Identify this iconic Black woman.