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Which Anti-Valentine's Day Quote Describes You?

Even when you enjoy Valentine's Day, it's fun to poke fun at it.

Created by Pepe
On Mar 29, 2017

First, pick a funny Valentine's Day card:

Pick a flower for yourself:

What's your relationship status this year?

What do you like about Valentine's Day?

What makes you cringe on Valentine's Day?

Who will you be spending Valentine's Day with?

Last, I say Valentine's Day, you say:

"You've got your pet this year"

"You've got your pet this year"

You're single this year and you're a little bummed out, but you're not gonna let that ruin your day. At least you've got your pet to spend Valentine's Day with you!

Share your results and leave a comment!



Screw Valentine's Day! You may be single or in a committed relationship, but none of that matters, chocolate matters! You're worried about the chocolate and candy sales the following day. You'll relax on Valentine's Day just to mentally prepare for candypocalypse.

Share and compare your results!

"No, no Cupid. No, no."

"No, no Cupid. No, no."

You're single this year and you're focused on yourself. You've always been in a relationship and never gave time to yourself, never pampered yourself. This year you don't want cupid anywhere near you with that bow and arrow.

Share and compare your results after swatting Cupid away.

"Don't talk to me unless your Netflix getting up and grabbing me a drink."

"Don't talk to me unless your Netflix getting up and grabbing me a drink."

You can either be in a relationship or single, but you feel Valentine's Day shouldn't be the only day people should be showered with love and gifts! So on Valentine's Day you want to be left alone, you want to just watch some TV, eat dinner alone (or with your S.O.) and just have a good time. Nothing over the top!

Leave us a comment about your results!

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