Which Season Of The Walking Dead Describes Your Life?
Which Season Of The Walking Dead Describes Your Life?
Take our quiz to find out!
Take our quiz to find out!
First, which would be most important to you in TWD world?
Which character would you want by your side?
Which "big bad" would you love to meet?
Your family perceives you as:
Pick something significant that's recently happened to you:
Which season of The Walking Dead is your least favorite?
Last, when supply hunting your primary concern is:
Season 1 sums up your life!
Season 1 sums up your life!
Season 1 sums up your life! When things get bad and even though you may feel like giving up, you don't. You rely on your family and friends to help you get through just about anything. You love them and they wouldn't know what to do without you. Share your results with a Walking Dead fan!
Season 2 sums up your life!
Season 2 sums up your life!
Season 2 sums up your life! Sometimes you hate having to make incredibly tough decisions and you may initially shy away from them. However, you know in order to be the leader you are you have to be okay with the notion that a person who carries themselves as a leader is expected to always step up. Leave a comment letting us know which season of The Walking Dead is your favorite!
Season 3 sums up your life!
Season 3 sums up your life!
Season 3 sums up your life! You believe trust is earned so you just don't give it away to any ole body. However, when your trust is earned you are able to let down your guard around them and look after them. You're not a very naive person and nor are you cynical, you just have a good understanding of how the world works. Share your results with a fan of The Walking Dead!
Season 4 sums up your life!
Season 4 sums up your life!
Season 4 sums up your life! After experiencing some pain in your life, you thought playing Switzerland when there were two opposing arguments or situations was the best solution. However over time, you overcame your pain, started taking action, and did not worry about others's perception of you. Leave a comment letting us know which Walking Dead season is your favorite!
Season 5 sums up your life!
Season 5 sums up your life!
Season 5 sums up your life! You are a very reasonable person, you're always willing to negotiate: 3 episodes of Gilmore Girls or 3 episodes of House. You always willing to listen and even more willing to give people a chance when others won't. However, there is one thing that you don't tolerate and that's lying. When someone lies to you, you find it very difficult to let them back in unless they prove their worth all over again. Share your thoughts about the big Washington D.C. reveal with Eugene!
Season 6 sums up your life!
Season 6 sums up your life!
Season 6 sums up your life! You believe many people can, if they haven't already, be redeemed. You know from experience because you've made some mistakes (minor or major) and you're in a better place now. Some don't understand your method of dealing with troubled people, while other's do and support you. You're also a brave and intelligent soul who likes to get ahead of the current. Share your thoughts about Morgan from the Walking Dead!
Season 7 sums up your life!
Season 7 sums up your life!
Season 7 sums up your life so far! You understand that sometimes in this world we have to play nice with co-workers or friends of friends we may not be so fond of. You never mind turning the other cheek if it protects your friends and family. You always have their best interest at heart - instead of worrying about yourself. You're a very selfless and strong leader. Share your results with a friend who loves Negan!