Which Walking Dead Villain's Leadership Would You Have Been Under?
Which Walking Dead Villain's Leadership Would You Have Been Under?
Take our quiz to figure out which big bad you roll with from this awesome TV show!
Take our quiz to figure out which big bad you roll with from this awesome TV show!

Pick a walker:
Which place would you stay in?
Pick a deceased character:
Pick a TWD quote:
Which color screams betrayal:
Finally, pick a Walking Dead item:
If you had to pick a Walking Dad villain you'd pick Shane! You met him when he was still Sheriff Walsh. You're not sure if he's misunderstood or just a maniac. However you do like how strong he is and how he takes action immediately! His apocalyptic personality can sometimes be very scary, but can also keep you alive. Just don't turn your back on him...
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The Governor
The Governor
Phillip “Don’t-Call-Me-Phillip” Blake -- we mean the Governor is who's leadership you'd be under. You would've been a simple member of the Woodbury Community, not very sure of who the Governor really was (aside from a smiling man with two eyes). All of that changed after you walked in on him staring at his walker-daughter locked up in a cage in the dark. Threatening to kill you and hurt your family, you kept quiet and were the Governor's sidekick for years.
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The Wolves
The Wolves
Sharing is caring, right? You think during the apocalypse everyone should share things, but that philosophy was twisted when you joined the Wolves. They showed you that during the apocalypse you have to fend for yourself, and if stealing something from someone else is what you have to do, go for it.
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You got Gareth! You knew Gareth before things got really bad and before Terminus was created. He was a kind soul, a just man. He's still a man of principle today, but you're not completely on board with the way he recently handled things. You did believe Terminus is a sanctuary that can help people, but you'd NEVER agree with eating people. Once you discovered this, you didn't know what to do, but sneak off.
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Joe and the Claimers
Joe and the Claimers
You'd be part of Joe and the Claimers! Wondering in the woods, Joe and you both stumble upon a few supplies. You were able to claim it before he did and it impressed him. He invited you to be part of his group and you joined, regrettably. "Claiming" things took a weird turn when you met Daryl Dixon. After that, you knew it was time to leave.
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