Aptitude Test
Aptitude Test
Here is an awesome Aptitude test! I tried to no make it super obvious which option was which faction, but I probably totally failed at that. Also, I'm sorry, but Divergent is not an option in this Quiz.
Here is an awesome Aptitude test! I tried to no make it super obvious which option was which faction, but I probably totally failed at that. Also, I'm sorry, but Divergent is not an option in this Quiz.
You are in a room There are two tables. One has a pizza on it. One has tickets to a concert your friend wants to go to. A voice tells you to choose. What do you take?
A Person walks in. The tables disapere
The person turns intp a giant monstor. What are you about to do?
Beofre you can do anything, someone sabs the monster, killing it. You:
Than the Person tries and take what you holding, saying it's payment for killing the monster. You:
You wake up. "Do you want to know your results?" The technician asks. You answer
"Dishonesty is rampant, Dishonesty is temporary, Dishonesty makes evil possible."
'Ignorance' is defined not as stupidity but as lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge inevitably leads to lack of understanding.
We believe in freedom from fear, in denying fear the power to influence our decisions.
We believe in ordinary acts of bravery, in the courage that drives one person to stand up for another.
"I will be my undoing If I become my obsession.
I will forget the ones I love If I do not serve them.
I will war with others If I refuse to see them.
Therefore I choose to turn away from my reflection,
To rely not on myself
But on my brothers and sisters,
To project always outward
Until I disappear."
A Wife says to her Husband:
“Husband, today I fought with my enemy.”
Her Husband says: "Why did you fight with your enemy?”"
“Because I spoke cruel words to her.”
“My wife, why did you speak cruel words to her?”
“Because I believed them to be true.”
“Then you must no longer think cruel thoughts. Cruel thoughts lead to cruel words, and hurt you as much as they hurt their target.”