Which Holiday Food Are You?
Which Holiday Food Are You?
Find out which tasty meal best represents you!
Find out which tasty meal best represents you!

Pick a utensil.
Pick a place setting.
Pick a holiday drink.
Pick a holiday outfit.
Pick a dreidel.
Pick a cookie.
Pick a holiday movie.
Pick a Christmas carol.
Pick an ornament.
Pick a tree.
You're tasty and uber popular. Nobody can say no to you, and you're always #1 on pretty much everybody's list. Congrats!
Mashed Potatoes
Mashed Potatoes
You're mushy and comforting. People turn to you when they need a shoulder to cry on or a really satisfying hug. Never change!
You are the perfect combination of sweet and savory. You may feel neglected at times, or overlooked, but you're always welcome at the dinner table.
You're super fun and you brighten everyone's day by your mere presence. Everybody wants to hang out with you and bask in your awesomeness.