How Ambidextrous Are You?
How Ambidextrous Are You?
To what extent do you use both sides of your body? Answer these questions and find out!
To what extent do you use both sides of your body? Answer these questions and find out!

Which hand is your most dominant?
You use your "Weaker" hand to:
Try writing your first name down using your off hand. How long does it take you?
Do you play any musical instruments that require the use of both hands?
Is your dominant foot the same as your dominant hand?
Try crossing your hands. How does it feel more comfortable?
Is your dominant eye the same as your dominant hand? (Try winking. which eye did you use)
Try clutching a small object in your fist and then doing the same with your other fist. How does it feel?
Not Ambidextrous at all!
Not Ambidextrous at all!
You have a dominant side and you’re sticking with it.
You know what works and you see no point changing it.
If your dominant side is your right side, you are on the same team as the rest of the human population, who mainly uses their right hand.
A little ambidextrous
A little ambidextrous
Chances are you’re a Lefty but since you grew up in a society dominated by right handed people, you finally got tired of changing the definitions on your mouse and just learned to do some things with your other hand. If that’s the case, you’re like 10% of the human population.
Totally Ambidextrous!
Totally Ambidextrous!
You are a rare breed indeed!
Either you’re an adult who has total control of both sides of his body, in which case you belong to an exclusive group of people (under 0.9% of the whole population), or you’re a baby under 18 months old who hasn’t developed a dominant side yet but managed to learn how to read and operate an electronic device, in which case you might be one of a kind.