Are you addicted to music?
Are you addicted to music?
Do you belong to the 96% of the population who is addicted to this "music" thing?
Do you belong to the 96% of the population who is addicted to this "music" thing?
Have you ever spent money on buying music?
Have you ever been told to "turn it down!"?
Have you ever bought equipment for the purpose of playing music louder?
Have you ever been walking along the street, going somewhere, when suddenly you stopped, because someone just happened to be playing music there on the street?
Do you ever stay in your car, after you've parked, because your favourite song started playing as you were coming into the parking area, and it hadn't finished yet?
Have you ever spent money to go to a musical performance?
What do you use iTunes for?
Are you listening to music right now?
What does "la la la la la la la la lalalalalaah la la la laaaaaah" mean?
You can't control your desire to invest time, energy and money into listening to music. Why? Nobody knows. Unfortunately there is no known cure for this condition.
You have better things to do with your time, energy and money.