What Kingdom Heart's Union Do You Belong To?

Every wonder where you fit in the Kingdom Heart's universe? Aspiring to find out what faction as a keyblade wielder you belong with? Dive in the trials of the Kingdom Hearts X universe with some fun questions to test the strength of your heart of hearts. As the new installment of Kingdom Hearts comes near, this quiz is a fun way to search your heart and see what light or darkness lies within it to uncover what it is you truly stand for!
Disclaimer: I don't not own any of the characters or art by Square Enix

Phillip Giandiletti
Created by Phillip Giandiletti(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 4, 2016

How do you value the lives of others?

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

What animal could you consider your guardian angel?

If you had to sacrifice yourself to save something important to you, how would you go out?

What is your fighting style choice?

How do you fight the darkness?

If you could have a super power, what super power would you want?

If you could spend one hour anywhere in the Kingdom Heart's Universe, where would it be?

How do you spend your free time?

If you could form a D-Link with one Disney character who would it be?

If you could train under one mentor who would it be?

You realize that you cannot defeat this adversary on your own, what do you do?

If you could bend one element what would it be?

Which Keyblade(s) call to you?

"Power sleeps within you, if you give it form...
It will give you Strength. Choose well"



You're an Anguis!
The shape in your heart reveals the Snake.
Blizzard is your natural element.

You are most like Master Aqua and Master Eraqus. You are a sworn defender of the light. You believe in the unfaltering power of the light inside one's heart and are able to wield it as a swift weapon to eliminate the darkness around you. Inherintly very wise and practical when making decisions. You hold those that are very close to you inside the light in your heart in order to protect them and do what's best for them. Although sometimes blinded by other approaches to a situation, you can be very set in your ways and arrogant to change. In the end you are a born mentor and strong adversary against the darkness.



You're a Unicornis!
The shape in your heart reveals the Unicorn.
Dark Aura is your natural element.

You are most like Master Riku. You are one who walks the path to dawn. You poses an equal balance of both the light and the dark in your heart. Usually accompanied with a troubled past, you now use that darkness you've concurred at some point in your life as your own to fight for the light that you have regained. You are a very competitive person and love a good challenge.. Very strong willed from deep in your heart but are easily seduced by fear and hate. You never like to stay in one place for too long and love to adventure and see new sights. You may be hard to trust at first but once people get to know you it's you they fall back on.



You're a Ursus!
The shape in your heart reveals the Bear.
Fire is your natural element.

You are most like Terra. You are one who seeks to gain power more than any other in order to protect what means most to you. You are someone who uses brute strength to resolve any issues. You are very withdrawn and mysterious to others including your closest friends. Unfortunately your obsession with power usually ends up serving you but only by losing a part of yourself in the process. You are not an evil person however it may seem that you lean towards the darkness in search to fortify your heart and become stronger. You are brash and usually do not have a plan of action. When in a group you are someone who dominates the attention of others and are usually the dream boat that people admire. Your future is still very uncertain and because of this you as a person end up feeling lost from time to time. In the end you haven't forgotten right from wrong, you may have just need a helping hand.



You're a Leopardos!
The shape in your heart reveals the Leopard.
Aero is your natural element.

You are most like Ventus. You are someone who has a great capacity of darkness within their heart. This however does not mean that you are an evil person. Being almost contradictory, you are someone who doesn't belong in the light but has a decent amount it in your heart. This creates a strong pull to the darkness which hasn't concurred you yet but has a definite position in making your decisions. You are easily controlled be your emotions which can feed the darkness within you. You are someone who wishes to be taken very seriously, and also someone who has had their age be an obstacle in the way of your success in life. You are very witty and swift with your words which help you get out of sticky situations. You enjoy meeting new people and helping others you don't even know. You are a fast and cunning tactician in battle but have much to learn. Great success awaits you in your future as long as you allow the darkness to have no hold over your heart.



You're a Vulpeus!
The shape in your heart reveals the Fox.
Cura is your natural element.

You are most like Kairi. You are someone who is very non-confrontational, and avoids destruction/fighting at all costs in order to keep the peace. You are very light hearted and value friendship more than anything. Your heart is very pure and innocent no matter what challenges obscure your path. You are someone who always remains positive and never loses sight of hope despite what those around you may think. The light in your heart is so strong that it even calls out to others willing them to do good as well. Although a little naive and may seem to get in the way of others, you are a sweet and sensitive individual who can stand the test of time.



You're a Cassus!
The shape in your heart reveals the Baphomet.
Darkness is your natural element.

You are most like Master Xehanort. You do not fit in any union but your own. You are an instigator of darkness. You are one in the same with the evil around you. You only deal in absolutes and see that the end result as the only thing that matters. Although not mentioned throughout Kingdom Hearts, Cassus literally translates into "Empty" or "Hollow". You are someone who sees the light as a tyranny over all those who serve it. You are a person who has been around the block for sometime and sees the weakness in others. Although consumed by all that revolves around the darkness (hate, fear, jealous, obsession, anger, etc) you try to seduce others into seeing things just like you. As a person you are very persuasive, a natural born pessimist, and a deceiver. Your cause is absolute in your mind because you view what you're doing as just. In combat there is no greater match than yourself. When all is said an done, you are someone people learn to fear. You are devoid of light, a hollow vessel...you are true darkness.

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