which Disney princess do you look like?
which Disney princess do you look like?
Disney princesses slay with their looks but which princess do you look like?
Disney princesses slay with their looks but which princess do you look like?

what colour hair do you have ?(be honest)
tell us your natural hair style !(the colour doesn't matter)
what colour eyes do you have?
what type of lips are the closest to yours ??
body type
what is closest to your skin tone
what dress would you wear ?
freckles ?
pick a bow to use with your dress
what eyebrow type do you have?
the answers you picked have made out you mostly look like Belle your beauty and brain makes you this girl . But don't be hurt by this you also beautiful the way you are!!!!
YOUR RAPUNZEL beautiful on the outside and in ! but don't be hurt by these princesses your amazing just the way you are !
YOUR ARIEL stunning Ariel based on the questions this is who you mostly look like . Don't be upset or hurt with the one you got your amazing just the way you are !!!
your merida the beautiful merida the results think you look most like merida . but don't fell upset or hurt by the answer you got your perfect just the way you are!!!
YOUR JASMINE the amazing jasmine according to the quiz you look more like jasmine . but don't feel upset or hurt by the princess you got your perfect just the way you are !
your aurora STUNNING aurora but don't be offended by the princess your have been referred to . BECAUSE YOUR PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
snow white
snow white
YOUR THE SWEET SNOWHITE!!!! but don't be offended if you didn't get the one you wanted don't be hurtor upset your perfect just the way you are!!!!!
YOUR THE GORGEOUS MULAN !!!!!! but don't be upset or hurt if you didn't get the one you wanted . YOUR GORG JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!!!!!!