Which Dork Diaries character are you?
Which Dork Diaries character are you?
Are you Nikki, Chloe, Zoey, Brandon, Brianna or Mackenzie? Find out here!
Are you Nikki, Chloe, Zoey, Brandon, Brianna or Mackenzie? Find out here!

What do you like to do?
Use three words to describe yourself.
Do you like Nikki Maxwell?
Do you like Chloe Garcia?
Do you like Zoey Franklin?
Do you like Brandon Roberts?
How about Brianna Maxwell?
Last "do you like" question. MacKenzie Hollister?
What is your favorite color out of the following?
Last question: who do you THINK you're most like?
You're Nikki Maxwell!
You're Nikki Maxwell!
Nikki is the new girl in school. She’s a self-proclaimed dork and chronic doodler with big dreams and an even bigger addiction to writing in her diary. Nikki often underestimates herself despite her many talents. Although she finds herself knee deep in drama (no thanks to her little sister and arch nemesis) this dork embraces her dorkyness and always lands on her feet!
You're Chloe Garcia!
You're Chloe Garcia!
Chloe is Nikki’s boy-crazy BFF, partner in crime and amateur romance expert. She’s sweet, girly, really sensitive and loves to read all of the latest novels. Chloe is very protective of Nikki and always has her back when the going gets tough. She can bring a big smile to Nikki’s face with a group hug or by flashing her “jazz hands.”
You're Zoeysha Franklin!
You're Zoeysha Franklin!
Zoey is Nikki’s BFF, partner in crime, and a human Wikipedia. She’s brainy, mature, and a loyal friend who enjoys reading self-help books and spouting off zany quotes from famous people. She’s funny, creative and bails Nikki out of trouble on the reg. You can always go to Zoey for homework help or a quick therapy session!
You're Brandon Roberts!
You're Brandon Roberts!
Brandon is Nikki’s secret (but not-so-secret) crush. He’s smart, funny, down to earth, and a very skilled reporter and photographer for the school newspaper. Despite Brandon’s popularity and obvious good looks, he’s a loner who’s also a little awkward around girls. But there’s one girl he’s interested in. Who could it be??
You're Brianna Maxwell!
You're Brianna Maxwell!
Brianna is Nikki’s wacky little sister. Also known as Madame Bri-Bri, she’s a bratty T-Rex in pigtails. She’s spunky, stubborn, and loves getting into trouble with her imaginary sidekick, Miss Penelope (a puppet). Brianna thinks she’s tough as nails, but she’s terrified of the tooth fairy! Her crazy antics make you want to laugh out loud, or pull out your hair!
You're Mackenzie Hollister!
You're Mackenzie Hollister!
MacKenzie puts the “H” in hater. She’s the glamorous, queen bee of the CCPs (Cool, Cute & Popular), and lives for fashion, lip gloss, selfies, and making people miserable—especially dorks like Nikki Maxwell. Her motto is, “Whatever MacKenzie wants, MacKenzie gets.” So, if you’re a threat, watch your back because beneath her confident, fabulous exterior there’s a whole lot of CRAZY!