Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (64)
Marina Exam Reviewer Practice Test (64)
Are you ready for your board exam? Try our pre-board exam to see how good are you. Good luck!
Are you ready for your board exam? Try our pre-board exam to see how good are you. Good luck!
What rule indicates the actions of a give-way vessel?
This rule states that when two power driven vessel are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision each shall alter he course to starboard so that they will pass port to port.
Whilst calling attention to all the usual precautions to be taken, it also calls for the exercise of personal intelligence on the arising of any unforeseen circumstances. In what other rule conforms with this statement?
What rule applies when inspite all the precautions made the vessel can deviate from these rules necessary to avoid immediate danger?
In what rule in the Collision Regulations does the responsibilities of a seaplane on the water is stated?