Which Kevin Garnett are you?

Kevin Garnett's 20-plus seasons in the NBA contain multitudes. He's been The Kid, The Franchise, The Big Ticket, a preeminent trash talker and mentor to the Timberwolves' next generation. Who you got? Click on and find out.

Pioneer Press
Created by Pioneer Press (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Nov 5, 2015

You are young KG

You are young KG

A fresh-faced, impossibly skinny kid out of high school, who isn't quite like anything we've seen before, the future seems limitless.

You are MVP KG

You are MVP KG

You're at the peak of your chest-thumping, shot-swatting powers, and ready to kick down the door after years of knocking.

You are Boston KG

You are Boston KG

It took a new team and a new role to get there, but you finally climbed the mountaintop. It's still a little weird seeing you in green, though.

You are Brooklyn KG

You are Brooklyn KG

You played where? Years from now, people will forget this part ever happened.

You are today's KG

You are today's KG

The spring in your step isn't what it used to be, nor is your team close to a contender, but you did something perhaps more important than basketball: you came home.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021