What Type Of Flying Wolf Are You?

HOWL!!!!! Fly into this quiz and find out

Piper Bodwell
Created by Piper Bodwell (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 9, 2015

How Crazy are you?

Whats you Favorite color (Out of these choices)

You see your Friend being attacked you...

If you had your wings taken away by evil you would...

Are you brave

What Wolf do U want to be? (P.S. this will not effect your answer at all!)

Water Wolf

Water Wolf

You Love water and your kind self is best for your inner wolf. Your love for water and you want it pure and this gave you your powers and your wings

Fire Wolf

Fire Wolf

Your firing personality has given you strength. Your fiery soul sweeps you away into the sky with your mighty wings

Air Wolf

Air Wolf

Your Kind and shy but loyal to friends. Your Powerful Wings give u an advantage to flying because well your the Air Wolf



You don't have a side because your just a pup. You'll get your powers soon enough and you will be stronger than ever! Your a little crazy and love to play

Earth Wolf

Earth Wolf

You love earth you like keeping the earth clean and love dirt and getting dirty. Your love for the earth has shown mother nature your worthy of your wings

Evil Wolf

Evil Wolf

Your evil! Your tough and used to able to fly but your bad deeds made you lose your wings. You hate the other wolves and are mostly an outsider you only leave your den for revenge, a war, or to find an evil mate to rule with you

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On Nov 18, 2021