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What Black Butler Character Are You?

Find Out What Character You Are From Black Butler the Anime!

Piper Mulcahy
Created by Piper Mulcahy (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Apr 1, 2017

You Find Yourself Face-To-Face With A Knife Throwing Murderer By The Name Of Dagger, You...

You Get Tackled In a Group Hug By Your Friends! You...

Its Valentines Day and You Have A Crush! You...

What Is Your Ideal Beverage?

You Receive A suspicious Unlabeled Gift In The Mail, You..

Last Question! Where Is Your Ideal Vacation Spot?



Your stubborn and determined! You are a natural born leader and find it easier when people do things your way. You are clever and many people envy you.



You are independent but like to go with the flow. You do what others ask of you if you are sure it will benefit you. Many people are inspired of you and you make a large impact on people.

Grell Sutcliff

Grell Sutcliff

You are very outgoing and would do anything for those you love. You enjoy exciting adventures and loveeeee Bassy!~

The Undertaker

The Undertaker

You are Rather Quiet and to yourself, but have strong opinions about many things. You don't tend to hold grudges but it isn't rare for you to.

Elizabeth Midford

Elizabeth Midford

Your very loud and have an outgoing personality! You have many friends and you are very goofy and kind!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021
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