What type of gem would you be on steven universe?

This is a Steven Universe related quiz with more gems as options to make the results more personalized :)

Created by Planthomies (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 15, 2016

What do you believe is your strongest quality?

How do you generally make others feel?

What's your favorite thing to do?

Are you assertive or passive?

What are you best at?



Aventurine represents friendship, creativity/imagination, mental clarity, courage, and a positive outlook. You help others move on with life and keep going at it. You like to be around people and make friends, and you also enjoy using your creativity to do or make anything you want. You have a strong mind, and are able to think clearly. You have a strong sense of courage, doing things even when you are scared. Your thoughts are generally positive. You make others feel grounded and strong.

Moss Agate

Moss Agate

Moss agate represents prosperity, abundance, gardening, and peace. You like to make friends and are protective of them. You've got a green thumb and enjoy being out in nature. You share your peace and self confidence with friends, helping them get through stressful times. You have a large sense of gratitude so you experience abundance.

Sun stone

Sun stone

Sun stone represents warmth, openness, self confidence, and leadership. You feel so much warmth on the inside it spreads to others and eases their feelings of fear or doubt. You generally like to lead and feel a strong sense of self confidence. You believe honesty and openness are important and enjoy sharing things with others.

Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz

Blue Topaz represents helpfulness, confidence, and clear communication. You are very good at helping others and yourself with public speaking, writing, and self confidence. By doing your own thing well you inspire others to do the same. You have a strong vibe that brings courage and certainty to those around you. You also enjoy writing and communicating with others.



Aragonite represents grounding/stabilizing, balance, connection to earth, and self confidence. You are very good at staying calm during stressful times and it calms those around you. You've found a good balance in life and you extend that to others when they need it. You love being out doors and feel at peace when your close to the earth. Your passion for life extends to the people you love, energizing them. You feel confident in yourself and you are very open.

Cactus/Spirit quartz

Cactus/Spirit quartz

Spirit quartz represents spirituality, harmony, and team work. You are into new age spirituality or you've got your own form of spirituality. You generally feel a strong sense of harmony and peace and that leaks onto people around you. You enjoy being in a community of people and are very good at leading those around you to cooperate and work together. You bond well with everyone you meet

Clear Calcite

Clear Calcite

Clear calcite represents reconciliation, energy, and inner peace. You like everyone to get along and when there's a fight your good at resolving it. You have a strong sense of inner peace but are also very energetic and vibrant. You encourage individuality in others by helping them amplify their own energy because you like others to be openly themselves.

Desert Rose

Desert Rose

Represents clarity, strength through hard times, and flexibility/open mindedness. Like a rose in the desert you bloomed even after tough times. Things have been so rough you've learned a lot and you use that information to help others. You have a very clear and strong mind. You've learned to keep up with life and are very open to new ideas and possibilities. Your intense strength is an inspiration to those around you.

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