Which Final Fantasy IX Character Are You?
Which Final Fantasy IX Character Are You?
While traversing through the world of Final Fantasy IX you probably felt yourself bonding, as well as relating to the cast of wonderful characters. Which one do you think you are most like? Find out here!
While traversing through the world of Final Fantasy IX you probably felt yourself bonding, as well as relating to the cast of wonderful characters. Which one do you think you are most like? Find out here!
What's your favorite color?
Where would you like to live?
What's your weapon of choice?
What do you find most difficult?
Which activity is best?
You find a lost chocobo. What do you do?
What rings most true to you?
What are you searching for?
A burglar has snuck into your room during the night and is trying to steal your most prized possession! What do you do?
What's your most valuable trait?
Zidane Tribal
Zidane Tribal
You are Zidane Tribal! As both mischievous and kind, you're the emobodiment of a loveable rogue! If someone needs help, you're the first in line to do whatever you can - no hesitation.
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII/Dagger
Garnet Til Alexandros XVII/Dagger
You are Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII! But, you probably prefer to be called "Dagger". Behind your quiet and caring attitude is a strong will and a driving force to right what is wrong.
Vivi Ornitier
Vivi Ornitier
You are Vivi Ornitier! You have a unique perspective on even the most difficult and confusing of situations, as well as an accepting heart and a fierce love for your friends.
Adelbert Steiner
Adelbert Steiner
You are Adelbert Steiner! You are an extremely disciplined individual with a strong sense of right and wrong. You may be stubborn, but you're loyal through thick and thin.
Amarant Coral
Amarant Coral
You are Amarant Coral! You are very self-reliant. Under that tough exterior is a capable and eager friend.
Freya Crescent
Freya Crescent
You are Freya Crescent! You're talented and hard working, and even though you sometimes feel like hope is gone, you'll be forever devoted to those you love.
Quina Quen
Quina Quen
You are Quina Quen! You might have a knack for getting distracted but you're always there when your friends need you most. Bonus: You're an amazing chef and the ultimate foodie.
Eiko Carol
Eiko Carol
You are Eiko Carol! You're tough, independent and maybe a little bit sneaky. Once you trust those around you, the sweet and unwaveringly loyal side of you comes out.