What Type Of Dragon Are You?
What Type Of Dragon Are You?
There are so many types of dragons there are dark ones, bright ones, fire ones, all kinds! But which dragon are you? Only one way to find out by clicking that start button.
There are so many types of dragons there are dark ones, bright ones, fire ones, all kinds! But which dragon are you? Only one way to find out by clicking that start button.

Where Would Your Den Be?
What would your den be?
You claimed a den but a bigger, stronger dragon challenges you for it. What do you do?
What would your bed be made of?
You see a baby dragon falling off a cliff and you notice it can't fly, what do you do?
A mysterious dragon has entered your home, you are going to...
You see a farm with lots of cattle and you notice the farmer left to town what do you do?
Would you be a tamed dragon or a wild dragon?
How would you let someone ride you?
A couple of dragon slayers cross your path, your reaction is..
The king of his kingdom threatens to send an army to your home, what will you do?
The king was angry at what you did, so he sent his best dragon trappers to catch you. Your reaction is..
What is your favorite season?
How would your friends describe you?
Would you have a family?
What do you think of my quiz?
Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon
You are the Fire Dragon, an aggressive and lone dragon. You mainly hunt and live alone, but if you have friends they would be very popular like you. You breathe fire of course, and if someone looked deep into your eyes they would see a fire in your eyes.
Water Dragon
Water Dragon
You are the Water Dragon, a peaceful and calm dragon. You have fins and the smoothest scales. The sound of your voice is calm, but when you are angry It has the rage of a thousand tsunamis. You control water both freshwater and saltwater.
Wind Dragon
Wind Dragon
You are the Wind Dragon, a calm and shy dragon. You control winds and clouds, and also hurricanes, tornados, and windstorms. Your mainly shy and calming, but when your around your friends you feel welcome. The sound of your voice is like the wind howling.
Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon
You are the Earth Dragon. Earth Dragons are down to earth and love to eat plants more than meat. They are most likely to have friends. Earth dragons control soil, trees, plants, rock, and some of Earth's power. Earth dragons are one of the wisest dragons of them all. Earth dragons are quick learners and decisive explorers.
Dark Dragon
Dark Dragon
You are the Dark Dragon, a mysterious and misunderstood dragon with the power of shadows and night. You might be a loner, and tend to yourself as much as possible. You might have a few other friends who feel just the same. Your a wise hunter and love to be by yourself.
Storm Dragon
Storm Dragon
You are the Storm Dragon, you control storms and lightning. You are friendly to those you care about. Storm dragons are quick hunters, they are one of the best hunters around. They are also very quick learners like Earth Dragons. Plus Lightning Dragons half the time hate water. Storm dragons are fast too!
Light Dragon
Light Dragon
You are the Light Dragon, a protective and bright dragon. You love to socialize with your multiple friends, you can control anything bright. Your a good listener and a shoulder to lean on. Your most likely to befriend or be tamed by someone. You protective the weak and those you care about.