Which Car Seat Head Rest Album Are You?!

pm 2k
Created by pm 2k(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 13, 2019
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How do you feel right now?

Which of these things would you rather be doing?

What's your favorite season?

Which of these genres would you rather be listening to?

Which of these describes you best?

Are you optimistic (specifically in regards to your life and the future)?

Are you in a relationship?

What's your favorite color?

Bow down to me, mortal.

What did you dream of last night?

Somewhere down the line you'll look back and say you did the best that you could and you'll be wrong.

Will Toledo kidnaps you and ties you up in the backseat of his car. You get to choose the method by which you will be tortured.

I have finally arrived. You left the door open so I let myself in (chuckles).



You are your parents' firstborn and eagerly awaiting the day they sacrifice you. You will not resist as you are a good, god-abiding citizen. You are also your parents' loudest and angriest child. Underneath the facade of temper tantrums lives a deeply passionate core most people unfortunately don't get to see. One day they'll understand.



You are the awkward, unremarkable middle child. I'm sorry. Nobody really hates you but nobody really remembers you either. I don't even know what to write anymore... there's just not a lot ot say, haha. I... uhh, I... like how that shade of green looks ....on your headrest, I guess... you've got that going for you!



You are not gay. Congratulations! Not like there'd be anything wrong with it but you know for sure you are 100% straight. You like summer, surfing and going to the beach. You enjoy gazing at the attractive bodies of similarly gendered people there, but in a very platonic sense. You are an active ally. Sometimes you like to platonically fantasize about what it would be like to be in a homosexual relationship. And yet you're not gay. And that's okay!



TURN IT DOWN! AUGGHH... that's better. You live in a bathtub, for some reason. You also got really into My Bloody Valentine but way after that stopped being cool. What a shame. Your life isn't very eventful but it doesn't bother you as you can find meaning in even the tiniest happenings.
Just, in the future, please lower the volume a bit, okay? Hearing loss is no joke.

Little Pieces Of Paper With "No" Written On Them

Little Pieces Of Paper With "No" Written On Them

You're kind of a mess. But a very very endearing mess! Just like, feel free to call me if you ever feel really down, I'm always happy to help and talk! Really hope you get better. Really hope you get well.

My Back Is Killing Me Baby

My Back Is Killing Me Baby

Ouch. I'm sorry, that must really suck. Have you considered physiotherapy or something similar? I guess that's where that resting bitch face comes from, haha. Ah well. Despite it all, everyone loves your anecdotes.
Can you tell the one with your dad again? ...oh. No, no... not that one, that one's a bit too TMI, dude. The other one.

Twin Fantasy (Mirror to Mirror)

Twin Fantasy (Mirror to Mirror)

You are really interesting, or so everyone seems to think. Not that I necessarily disagree, haha... just... your cryptic musings about how you seem to be permanently in love with someone seem to really hit the spot of all of our mutual friends. I guess I can't blame them. Just wish they'd also listen to what I have to say sometimes. Haha... nothing against you.
Hm? What was that? You should speak up a bit, dude. Heh.



Oof. Yikes! That's awkward... that's really the worst possible result you could've gotten. I'm trying to find a way to phrase this without being hurtful but I don't think I can... But hey, at least you look nice! Really hope you can move past this some day.

Starving While Living

Starving While Living

You are Starving While Living.
You should eat something.
Or not.
None of my business.

Nervous Young Man

Nervous Young Man

You're a Nervous Young Man. Or a Nervous Young Woman. Or a Nervous Young Person. Really, you are whatever you want to be (no matter what others will claim). You will have a very long life. You will be the oldest person on earth. How do I know that? You just took this quiz and got this result. That's how I know.

Disjecta Membra

Disjecta Membra

You're really hard to approach... literally. I tried calling you 5 times this week and it seems like you're just never home! Jesus. You're a deep cut... no, no! I don't mean it that way. Haha. Just please stop ghosting me. I know what I said wasn't nice. I'm sorry. Please?

How To Leave Town

How To Leave Town

I don't know, find the exit I guess? Weird question to be honest. Haha. You're cute. And you're in space. That's great! You think a lot of thoughts and you like to take walks in the rain. Whenever somebody asks you how you're doing, you pause for a minute and then answer "Not sure...".

Teens Of Style

Teens Of Style

You are like a remastered best-of compilation of your peers, all of the good bits and none of the flaws. Rock out, enjoy life and get harassed by some creep because you prefer the 2015 version of Los Borrachos. Oops.

Teens Of Denial

Teens Of Denial

You are mad. Mad at society. Mad at your parents. Mad at yourself. Mad at your stoner friends. But that's okay. You also like to enjoy the finer things in life, such as horses and mental breakdowns.
Honestly I'd love it if you just went and beat the shit out of me right now. I kinda need it.

Twin Fantasty (Face to Face)

Twin Fantasty (Face to Face)

You are a hopeless romantic, like your older twin brother.
You are also a much more stable, hygienic and generally approachable person than your older twin brother but that still doesn't seem to be enough to convince weirdos who enter parasocial relationships with indie musicians that they should give you a chance.

Commit Yourself Completely

Commit Yourself Completely

You are a live album. This means you are alive. Congratulations! You have won the quiz.

Which Car Seat Head Rest Album Are You?!

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021