Are You Actually Over Your Emo Phase?

Or just in denial?

Created by pocketfulofsunshine (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017

Do you wear mascara or eyeliner every time you go in public?

What percentage of your wardrobe is black?

How many pairs of Converse or Vans do you own?

Do you still shop at Hot Topic or Spencer's?

Which album would you rather be listening to?

Do you wear these?

Which pair of shoes would you spend good money on?

Do you call yourself "emo" "goth" "scene" or any of the alternatives?

Do you call yourself "pop punk"?

And the truly defining question: which Panic! At The Disco album is the best?

Yeah, you're a modern emo kid.

Yeah, you're a modern emo kid.

You have some leftover symptoms of emo.

You have some leftover symptoms of emo.

You're thankfully not an emo kid.

You're thankfully not an emo kid.

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On Nov 18, 2021