Play This Futuristic Game Of Would You Rather, And We'll Tell You Which Sci-Fi Classic You Belong In!
Play This Futuristic Game Of Would You Rather, And We'll Tell You Which Sci-Fi Classic You Belong In!
Would you rather meet aliens or kill them? Your answer will tell you which of these sci-fi classics you really belong in!
Would you rather meet aliens or kill them? Your answer will tell you which of these sci-fi classics you really belong in!

Would you rather talk with aliens or hunt them?
Would you rather live in space or underwater?
Would you rather use a lightsaber or a phaser?
Would you rather be a science officer or a soldier?
Which do you prefer, the Millennium Falcon or the Enterprise?
Who's the better captain, Kirk or Picard?
Would you rather invent new technologies or explore new worlds?
Would you rather know why humans exist or how many other species live in the universe?
Would you prefer that robots achieve sentience or remain machines?
Would you rather live on the moon for one year or live on a planet in another solar system for ten?
Would you rather be a ship's doctor or a ship's captain?
Would you rather find new species or find out that we're alone?
Would you rather build a spaceship or build a space station?
Would you rather try to learn an alien language or try to teach aliens your language?
Star Wars
Star Wars
You're a romantic at heart, and romanticizing the amazing future we could have is no exception! You're a lover of all things space travel, ready to see galaxies far far away and go on a sweeping adventure! You're ready to see what forces are out there waiting for us to find them and you're ready to love whatever you end up finding!
Star Trek
Star Trek
You're a true adventurer, ready to go where no man has ever gone before! You're ready to encounter new worlds and new cultures, ready to study, to fight, and above all to discover! As long as you're going somewhere no one has ever been, you're happy as can be!
Surprising, we know, but at its heart, Flubber is all about inventiveness and possibility and the determination it takes not to let the overwhelming magnificence of what science can do override what's most important. You may be a little skeptical of the future, but hey, we need people to remind us of what's most important to and for humanity.
You're determined to be ready to survive whatever the future holds, whether that whatever is an amazing discovery, something that wants to eat you and your cat, or both. And your amazing sense of self preservation and confident know-how is sure to see you through.
Sure you're excited for the future, but above all, you want to know what the universe means. You want to answer the biggest questions of all, why we're here, what are we supposed to do, where do we go next? And you're going to get those answers no matter what it takes!
The Jetsons
The Jetsons
You're a lover of all things gadget. You're a true sci-fi geek, when it comes to anything the future might hold. Whether it's flying cars, robots, automatic dressing closets, moving sidewalks everywhere, or a house on the moon, you're ready to see the future the 1950s told us we'd have by now!