What's Your Power Element?
What's Your Power Element?
Are you earth, air, fire or water? Which element powers your creativity and expression?
You have a power element that taps into the core of your energy.
It has a profound impact on how you share your story and build relationships with your community.
What's your power element?
Are you earth, air, fire or water? Which element powers your creativity and expression?
You have a power element that taps into the core of your energy.
It has a profound impact on how you share your story and build relationships with your community.
What's your power element?
What's your favourite season?
Which colour groups are you most attracted to?
Are you impulsive and spontaneous?
How do you feel about change?
Which do you trust the most?
What is the most important factor in making a decision?
Which do you rely on most?
Acting on inspiration - do you?
Which do you focus on first?
Which lights you up more?
How do you feel about putting your plans into action?
How well do you need to know your clients to feel that you are supporting them fully?
Rules are....
Where do you get your inspiration?
Earth - Giving life to expression
Earth is grounded, stable and secure. You are a natural at taking ideas and turning them into reality with carefully considered and planned steps. Show an earth person the path and they will walk it calmly and confidently without deviation.
Being deep and still by nature means that you have strong beliefs but the desire to share those beliefs is often lying deep within you. Your inner knowing does not always lead to outer expression. You are happy to just be a lot of the time.
Creating balance and expression for earth is about bringing in the warmth of fire, the energy of water and the breath of air to create life and growth.
You are a nurturer and deliverer giving quality at every step and this will build a loyal tribe of fans. Never underestimate the power of this quality in creating powerful connection to evolve your business.
Discover the secrets to expressing your essence and balancing your elements with the free element profile including recommendations on marketing activities that will work for you. Download the profile at http://bit.ly/2qT5L6A
Water - The expression of connection
Water is feeling and flow. Water brings energy wherever it travels. Which makes you a natural connector who is intuitive and deeply caring.
It is critical for your energy to flow, when you are stationary you become jaded and lack connection to your purpose. You are happy to go wherever and mystery is appealing as long as it feels right. Feeling is more important to you than function.
Water is defined strongly by the other elements within you. Fire and air create movement and action, earth provides structure. When it comes to creating in your business, tapping into these elements is a must as they provide much needed action and direction. However, beware of creating systems or processes that block your flow rather than guide them – blocks will lead to pent up energy and a lot of frustration.
You naturally connect deeply with your clients and community – this is a crucial element to your motivation and inspiration. Building intimacy into your marketing – either directly or through the delivery – is the key to marketing that works with your energy.
Discover the secrets to expressing your essence and balancing your elements with the free element profile including recommendations on marketing activities that will work for you. Download the profile at http://bit.ly/2qQobVt
Air - Breath and Expression
Air is breath, expansion and exploration. You love to dive into ideas and concepts. Inspiration pop into your head all the time and you get great pleasure from looking at ideas from lots of different angles.
You are a natural problem solver, switching gears easily and often. You have no fear of change – it brings inspiration by the bucket load! So following rules and expectations does not come naturally to you, in fact you are always looking for new ways to do things.
The big picture thinking is a huge strength – nothing will ever phase you and even the biggest projects, ideas or challenges will not scare you.
Your challenge comes with the implementation and the details – these do not come naturally. Creating balance to allow the flow from idea to implementation is critical for your business success. Stay in the thoughts too long and you will personify that well known phrase “air head” – your ideas need grounding by bringing the other elements into play through time for inspiration, connection and creating. Take time to get out of your head to allow the truth of your essence to come to the fore – this is the key to bringing the depth of your message into the light.
Discover the secrets to expressing your essence and balancing your elements with the free element profile including recommendations on marketing activities that will work for you. Download the profile at
Fire - Expressing passion
Fire is passion and action. You need to feel excited about what you are doing and where you are going. You know what is right for you and no obstacle is going to get in your way.
Change is no problem for you – in fact you thrive on it though you have been known to be a little on the impulsive side!
You have a strong personality which is magnetic to your soul clients and this is the key of expressing your true essence. Let your charisma fulfil its purpose by making the centre piece of your marketing strategy YOU. Share what inspires and excites you – your soul clients will be eager to hear what you say when you let your natural fire lead the way.
Discover the secrets to expressing your essence and balancing your elements with the free element profile including recommendations on marketing activities that will work for you. Download the profile at http://bit.ly/2qR2Qew