Which 'Harry Potter' Couple Are You And Your Bae?
Which 'Harry Potter' Couple Are You And Your Bae?
Because love is truly magical.
Because love is truly magical.

Choose a house.
Pick a spell.
Pick a bewitching witch.
Wizard of the week?
Your patronus?
Ideal date location?
Are you in love?
Voldemort and Bellatrix
Voldemort and Bellatrix
You're both awful and deserve each other. At least, that's what everyone says. What bonds you is a complete disdain for muggles and a love of misery, pain and violence upon innocent people. Like a dementors kiss, your love kills.
Lily and James
Lily and James
Your love is deep and pure. Some might even say it's magical. You'll be together until the bitter end and you'll do anything to protect the ones you love. In many ways, you are the perfect couple.
Neville and Luna
Neville and Luna
You're the odd couple that don't quite fit together. You're a bit all over the place and people aren't really sure if you're a thing or not. Maybe life is more fun that way.
Hagrid and Madame Maxime
Hagrid and Madame Maxime
Sure, you might not be the most conventional looking couple but you're passion for each other is clear for everyone to see. You both have a love of the outdoors and rare wildlife - a night in the woods together is your kind of date night!
Ron and Hermione
Ron and Hermione
Your relationship together was quite tempestuous to begin with. Both of you couldn't decide whether you loved or hated each other. Ultimately, you're childhood sweethearts who belong together and your love conquers all. Even dementors.
Harry and Ginny
Harry and Ginny
While it may seem obvious now that you and your beau would eventually get together, looking back it was a long and, sometimes, awkward road. The most important thing is that you're together now and will (hopefully) stay together for a very long time.