Which "New Girl" Character Are You, Really?
Which "New Girl" Character Are You, Really?
Are you as stubborn as Nick or as emotional as Winston?
Are you as stubborn as Nick or as emotional as Winston?

On a scale of 1 - 6, How stubborn are you?
A life long best friend disses you, what do you do?
You're forced into small talk with a total stranger...
Your friend is sad and lonely... how do you cheer them up?
You just got dumped. What do you do?
Your best friends are fighting, what do you do?
You see your favorite celebrity in public, how do you react?!
Whats the first thing you look for in a BAE?
What do you hate the most?
Congratulations!!! You are Jessica Day! You are the bright and bubbly personification of good intention. You probably like having control over your friendships and you wish nothing but the best for everyone around you, even if it doesn't always end well! You're not necessarily a control freak, but someone has definitely accused you of it. You like to exercise your own brand of feminism, you have probably been known to spontaneously break out in song, and you find it easy to amuse yourself, and most importantly, you have a hard time concealing your emotions (definitely not a weakness, embrace it!)
You are none other than Nick Miller! You are strong willed, but without direction. You are capable of immense amounts of love but nobody would guess it by looking at you. If we had to guess, you probably show affection in weird ways and you are definitely not confrontational unless it has to do with your friends. You are easy to love but you're hard on yourself. You have a hard time expressing your emotions, but not for lack of trying. You've probably been considered the "class clown" of a group at some point in your life, but you didn't necessarily like that title, nor did you strive for it. You respect people's wishes, and think most things are better off as is, translation: you don't like change, change is for the fishes (THEY BREATHE WATER, THAT'S CRAZY).
YOU'RE WINSTON! You're a complete wildcard! Completely sensible at your core, but your emotional extremes something to behold... and fear. You have time and again been the voice of reason for many others, but you probably have a hard time applying that wisdom to your own life. On most nights, you fancy a night in with your pet cat over going out and getting wild, but you DEFINITELY can get wild. You're adorable and you know it, AND they know it. You're basically the pillar of your friend group, the focus isn't always on you, but things probably wouldn't be the same without you. You randomly get attacked by profoundly deep thoughts, sometimes they scare you sometimes you get lost in them. You will do almost anything to help people around you. You are either the introverted extrovert or the extroverted introvert.
You are a Schmidt among mere mortals. Cunning, sharp, quick witted, meticulous, driven, and oddly... specific. You are the overachiever in your group. You're not beyond getting petty to achieve a goal, but it's all for the sake of bettering yourself and bettering your friends. Quality is EVERYTHING when it comes to your definition of a "good life", you want fine clothes, expensive food, luxurious cars, and a top level pent house furnished with the finest hand crafted set pieces money can buy.. well.. that or just a significant other to spend some time trying to impress. You enjoy the company of close friends, but sometimes you wish they wouldn't make such obviously bad decisions... You would do anything for your best friends, yes anything.
Congratulations, Cece! You are the embodiment of a ride or die. Loyalty is your number one trait! You make sure your best friend is good before you ever worry about yourself, and that is golden. You are the most composed person in most situations and you help more than you're helped. You have known to make bad decisions, but unlike a lot of people, you learn from your mistakes. You are an extremely tough person, but you can feel just as deeply as anyone around you. You have been called brutally honest, and sometimes you feel like you have no clue what you're doing. You can have an abrasive personality, and people accuse you of putting up walls... BUT that is because you are guarded, it is harder to get close to you than most others, but when someone makes the effort, the result is a deep and long lasting relationship. You are human perfection.
COOOOAAACHHH. You're brunt, you're pretty, you're awkward, but that's never stopped you before. You tend to keep your emotions to yourself. You tell it like it is, and you're willing to admit when you're wrong. Best of all, you will do what it takes to help your friends become the best versions of themselves.