Are You Going To Heaven Or Hell?
Are You Going To Heaven Or Hell?
Very important and accurate results.
Very important and accurate results.

Do you believe in a higher being?
Have you ever intentionally done something to someone that is way too shady to even repeat?
Would your friends consider a "good person"... whatever that means?!
Be honest, have you ever stolen something?
Are you quick to judge people?
Would you sacrifice something you so desperately want in order to make somebody else happy?
How many lies do you think you tell on an average day?
Have you ever cheated on an important school exam?
You will go to HEAVEN! You lived your life on earth like a saint; you helped others, always kept your shadiness to a minimum and you shall be rewarded. Your prize? An afterlife filled with angels, beautiful mid tempo bops and ballads - oh, and all the ice cream you could ever hope to eat.
HONEY - WE'LL SEE YOU IN HELL! Your pettiness and questionable sense of humour has been on full blast since day one and the time will come to pay your debt. On the plus side, everyone lowkey knows that Hell is where the party is at. You can wear all black everything down here and no one will judge you... and we've got the pizza.