Can We Guess How Many YouTube Subscribers You Have Based On Your Star Sign?

Cos we think we can. Call us cocky if you will...

Created by PopBuzz
On Mar 29, 2017

What star sign are you?

97 Million

97 Million

Even Pewdiepie envies you, tbh. You're the master. How do you do it?



Who knew it was possible to have minus subscribers? But if the stars said it then it must be true. If you want to make it big on YouTube, we suggest adding a bit more pizza to your channel. People love pizza on YouTube.



You go, Glen Coco! You're climbing up the ranks and everyone from Tanya Burr to Dan Howell is keen to collab with you. Before you know it, you'll have your own book and range of false nails out. You're on the cusp. Don't give up now.



Sure, it's only 14 but it's a LOT more than some people. You're clearly doing YouTube for the love of it and not for the dollar so we utterly respect you. Will your subscriber count get any bigger? Maybe not. But who cares? There's nothing you love more than filming mug cake tutorials and monthly faves.



The magic number. Take it as a clear sign that you're on the road to success. Keep going- it might take a few more years but them subs will come. Promise. Keep to a schedule and throw in the old wild vlog and you're good to go.



You're a full time YouTuber, huh? You've quit your job and your entire life now revolves around a busy scripting, filming and editing schedule. Your friends and family often feature in your videos and your fans even set up a Tumblr account dedicated to gifs of your fish. What does it feel like to be some big on YouTube. Please, tell us?

These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021