Can We Guess If You're The Oldest Or Youngest Sibling Based On Your General Knowledge?
Can We Guess If You're The Oldest Or Youngest Sibling Based On Your General Knowledge?
Let's put your knowledge to the test!
Let's put your knowledge to the test!

What is the smallest planet in the Solar System?
Who wrote Game Of Thrones?
What country does this colourful flag belong to?
What is the square route of 69?
What was the name of Romeo's BFF in 'Romeo & Juliet'?
What song contains the lyrics: "Picture that with a Kodak / Better yet, go to Times Square and take a picture of me with a Kodak.”
What Chris is this?
What word means 'Pencil Sharpener' in Spanish?
Who painted this famous masterpiece?
Which historical figure uttered the words "I believe the children are our future"?
The Oldest!
The Oldest!
You are the eldest child! According to research, first-born children have a higher IQ 'cause they spend time teaching their younger siblings. When you teach others, you have to recall your own knowledge and think of a way to explain it. Smarty pants!
The Youngest!
The Youngest!
You are youngest child. Even though you're not as intelligent as your older siblings, you thrive in creative and practical situations. You know everything there is to know about music and pop culture. So, it's not that bad after all!