Can You Escape IKEA?
Can You Escape IKEA?
The true Hunger Games of retail. Will you survive the treacherous arena?
The true Hunger Games of retail. Will you survive the treacherous arena?

Hi! Welcome to IKEA! Did you arrive with a strategy?
Who are you with?
You arrive at the edge of the arena. Do you follow the arrows, or do you deviate from the path?
ROADBLOCK: You're stuck behind a family of slow walkers. What's your next move?
You've made it to the bed section. It's eerily empty. Do you take the opportunity to try every bed or do you resist temptation?
STAGE ONE COMPLETE! Do you stop to replenish your health with meatballs or do you continue your quest?
A wild arguing couple appears. Do you dodge them, or do you drag up a seat and open the popcorn?
STAGE TWO: KIDS SECTION! Be honest... are you gonna crawl through that tunnel of dreams?
WELCOME TO THE MARKETPLACE - BEWARE THE TROLLEYS. Do you wade through? Or do you increase your speed?
THE FINAL SHOWDOWN! Are you paying cash... or card?
You didn't make it out of the Marketplace.
You didn't make it out of the Marketplace.
Your final resting place is the most hellish part of IKEA. RIP in peace amongst the glassware and the candles.
You got stuck in the storage department.
You got stuck in the storage department.
In the storage section, no one can hear you scream. IKEA now owns you.
You're still in the queue at the checkout.
You're still in the queue at the checkout.
You could technically walk out the door right now - but that would mean abandoning all that edible Swedish goodness. Maybe you'll get to see daylight again before you turn 85?