Hannah Hart Or Dad Joke Generator?
Hannah Hart Or Dad Joke Generator?
How well do you really know your favourite drunk cooking show host? Can you tell her jokes from everyone's dorky dad ever? Time to find out.
How well do you really know your favourite drunk cooking show host? Can you tell her jokes from everyone's dorky dad ever? Time to find out.

- What's Michelle Obama's favourite vegetable?
- Why can't two melons get married?
- Because they cantaloupe!
-What do you call a frozen dessert that's always changing its mind?
- A popFICKLE!
- What do you get when you mix liquor with classic literature?
- Tequila Mockingbird!
- Why does the little mermaid wear sea shells?
- Because she grew out of her B-shells!
- Why would Sherlock go into a Mexican restaurant?
- To get a good case-idea!
If you were a funny fortune-teller, would that make you a coMEDIUM?
- Why did the tomato blush?
- Because it saw the salad dressing!
- What do you call an apple eaten before dinner?
- An APPLEtizer
- Why did the IPA beat the pale ale at basketball?
- Because it has more HOPS!