How Spooky Are You, Really?
How Spooky Are You, Really?
2 spooky 4 u
2 spooky 4 u
What does the date October 31st mean to you?
Choose a monster:
Do you believe in ghosts?
Pick a scary movie:
Pick a haunted house:
Pick your ideal date:
Pick a spooky BAE to take on that date:
What is your favourite shade of black?
300% Spooky
300% Spooky
Everyday is like Halloween for you. You're too spooky to handle. You live for the scariest of movies, the spookiest of bangers and have nothing but black upon black upon black in your wardrobe.
95% Spooky
95% Spooky
You're at your most powerful on October 31st, you spooky legend you. It's your favourite day of the year and you wish you could live the Halloween lifestyle 24/7. You like to keep your spookiness under wraps sometimes, but it's time to let that spook flag fly!
67% Spooky
67% Spooky
You're almost there on the spookiness scale. You LIVE for being spooky but you're too attached to the summer and sunshine to really commit to the aesthetic.
2% Spooky
2% Spooky
You're way too cute and fluffy to be spooky! Your idea of dressing up for Halloween is a Disney Princess and you get sweaty just *thinking* about fake blood. Every spooky legend needs an un-spooky sidekick to balance them out!