How Strong Is Your Self-Esteem?
How Strong Is Your Self-Esteem?
We feel you babes
We feel you babes

I believe I am worthy, simply because I exist.
I trust myself to make decisions on my own.
I know and maintain my boundaries-- even if it means others may not agree with me.
I love and forgive myself, even when I make mistakes.
I am able to silence my inner critic when fears and criticisms sneak up.
I like myself even when others reject me.
I am able to laugh at myself.
I feel like an overall valuable person.
I stop myself from engaging with others or participating in activities due to fear of other people's perceptions of me.
My negative self talk or inner critic prevent me from doing something...
Congratulations! You have a healthy level of self esteem. You're going to conquer the world one day. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it.
Your results show a moderate level of growth and strength development. You might not be the confident person in the world and that's completely normal. Remember to be kind to yourself and give yourself challenges to prove to yourself you can be the person you want to be! You'll always be amazing in our eyes hun!
You're In Need Of A Boost!
You're In Need Of A Boost!
You're not the most confident person and you're self esteem can be wobbly. That's okay - everyone feels like that sometimes! Try to recognise what you are good at, be kind to yourself, learn to be assertive and start saying 'no' when you want to stand your ground.