How Well Do You Remember "Stranger Things 2"?

Can you beat Max's high score?

Created by PopBuzz
On Nov 23, 2017
1 / 12

Which Ghostbuster did Mike dress up as for Halloween?

2 / 12

What is the name of the Princess in Dragon’s Lair?

3 / 12

Which famous actress' hairspray does Steve use on his hair?

4 / 12

And what is the name of the brand of shampoo he uses?

5 / 12

What is the name of Dustin’s turtle?

6 / 12

Who was Max dressed as for Halloween?

7 / 12

What iconic code does Erica throw at Dustin while speaking on the walkie talkie?

8 / 12

What is Barb’s surname?

9 / 12

How many days does Mike call Eleven on the Walkie?

10 / 12

What candy bar does Dustin feed Dart?

11 / 12

What was the name of the clown that gave Bob nightmares?

12 / 12

What record did Hopper start dancing to to try and cheer Eleven up?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021