How Well Do you Remember The Lyrics To McFly's 5 Colours In Her Hair?
How Well Do you Remember The Lyrics To McFly's 5 Colours In Her Hair?
HOW was this song released 11 years ago?
HOW was this song released 11 years ago?

Created by PopBuzz
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 10
She's got a X ring and 5 colours in her hair
2 / 10
Her tattoo's always hidden by her X
3 / 10
I'd like to X her cos she puts me in the mood
4 / 10
The rumours spreading round that she X in the nude
5 / 10
That X with 5 colours in her hair
6 / 10
She was all I X about
7 / 10
But then she went X
8 / 10
And X five colours off
9 / 10
And now she's just a weirdo with no X
10 / 10
Do do do do do X
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