QUIZ: How would you die on Grey's Anatomy?
QUIZ: How would you die on Grey's Anatomy?
Someone's gotta die. It's like... the rules of the show.
Someone's gotta die. It's like... the rules of the show.

Good news? You're on Grey's Anatomy! Sad news? You're about to die. What are you doing right now?
Which doctor would you choose to give you a routine physical *wink wink nudge nudge*?
On call room or Elevator tho?
If you could master any surgical specialty, which one would it be?
Which version of Chasing Cars should we play at your funeral?
Which ship would you be willing to die for? You know, so all of this is worth while...
Ok, be honest... which original intern is your FAVE?
Where would we find you at a party?
You died in a Ferryboat accident!
You died in a Ferryboat accident!
Noooo! RIP!
You died in a plane crash!
You died in a plane crash!
A plane crash?! FFS!
You were killed by an intern on their first day!
You were killed by an intern on their first day!
Whoops! RIP!
You accidentally put your hand on a bomb inside a body and it exploded!
You accidentally put your hand on a bomb inside a body and it exploded!
Someone cut your LVAD wire!
Someone cut your LVAD wire!
You were a fan favourite who almost survived but the show needed an emotional storyline for the season finale... RIP!
You survived!
You survived!
You're still alive?! Congratulations!!!!
Good news? You're on Grey's Anatomy! Sad news? You're about to die. What are you doing right now?