QUIZ: Are You A Snowflake Or Just A Nice Person?
QUIZ: Are You A Snowflake Or Just A Nice Person?
The line between being 'fragile' or ' just a nice person' has never been more blurred.
The line between being 'fragile' or ' just a nice person' has never been more blurred.
Pick a triggering word.
What do you keep in your safe space?
Pick something millennials should be grateful for.
Choose a date for the White House Correspondents' Dinner.
You've just been told your opinion is not important. How do you feel?
Which emoji best represents your fragile emotional state?
Pick a protest sign.
Millennials are responsible for.....
Generation Snowflake
Generation Snowflake
We're sorry. You might think that you have the best interests of other people at heart but, sadly, you're just a oversensitive, fragile and entitled millennial. Sad!
Commiserations. You're a fully functioning human with reasonable levels of compassion and empathy, and therefore a snowflake. Just another oversensitive, fragile and entitled millennial. Sad!
Just A Nice Person
Just A Nice Person
Congratulations, you're a fully functioning human with reasonable levels of compassion and empathy. While your critics might think you're entitled and oversensitive, take pride in knowing this basically means you're not a dick. Congratulations!