QUIZ: Are You Destined To Live The High Life?
QUIZ: Are You Destined To Live The High Life?
How fancy is your future?
How fancy is your future?

What is your idea of the perfect Friday night?
It's 10:40 am on a Sunday morning. Where are you?
How would your friends describe you?
You're down to your last fifty bucks and pay day is a week away. What are you probably spending it on?
You're going on a week long road trip. What CAN'T you live without?
Which personality trait is MOST important to you.
You're destined to live the high life
You're destined to live the high life
You're destined to live the high life. You have expensive taste and a real flare for the dramatics. You've never heard the words "no" or "failure", for that matter, and when you put your mind to something, there's absolutely no stopping you.
You love life's comforts
You love life's comforts
You're a lover of luxury but you don't fuss too much over the finer things in life. You're adaptable and versatile but, let's be honest, you wouldn't mind a few million dollars landing in your bank account. You're more charming than cunning but you certainly know how to make that work to your advantage.
You're destined to live the simple life
You're destined to live the simple life
You adore the simple life. You like going to the movies, hanging with your friends, and rocking skinny jeans and a tee. You're not one to obsess over the high life because you're much too busy having fun! You're laid back and sociable. People love to be around you, that's for sure!