QUIZ: Build The Perfect Boyfriend And We'll Reveal Your Best Personality Trait
QUIZ: Build The Perfect Boyfriend And We'll Reveal Your Best Personality Trait
If only build-a-man was a real thing.
If only build-a-man was a real thing.

What colour hair does your dream man have?
Is he tall, average height, or on the short side?
Pick your man's dominant personality trait.
Pick one bad trait you have to live with.
Does your dream man have tattoos?
Does your ideal boyfriend have facial hair?
Pick a hobby for him.
Where does your dream guy take you on a first date?
Pick one special skill that you would LOVE for him to have.
You're loyal. You would do anything for a friend in need and are probably one of the most selfless people around. When it comes to your pals, you're a ride or die.
You're spontaneous. You actually enjoy life's little surprises and aren't afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
You're motivated. When you have your mind set on something, everyone better get out of your way. You accomplish almost ALL of your goals and you're as stubborn as they get.
You're creative. You think very differently to most people. You're the funny one in your group and you're almost always thinking of your next creative endeavour.
Easy going
Easy going
You're easy going. You don't sweat the small stuff and your friends know you can always be counted on to go along with a crazy plan.
Open minded
Open minded
You're open-minded. People often come to you with their problems because of your non-judgmental attitude and amazing listening skills. You genuinely care about others and try your best to understand everyone's viewpoint.