QUIZ: Can We Guess How Old You're Turning In 2017?
QUIZ: Can We Guess How Old You're Turning In 2017?
We just KNOW you.
We just KNOW you.
Pick a TV dad
Choose a party beverage
When is the last time you went for a run lasting longer than 5 minutes (whether forced or voluntary)
Which is most terrifying to you?
Pick a shoe brand
Are you taking this quiz on a phone or computer?
What are you usually doing on a Sunday night?
Which of these do you appreciate most?
You're turning 17 this year. You're making big moves, big decisions, and setting big goals.
You're turning 19. It finally feels like this whole "adulthood" thing is getting real. Of course, you still enjoy acting like a kid on occasion but you're more mature than you give yourself credit for.
You're turning 22 this year. You've got a whole life of bills, taxes, and money woes ahead of you. But, you finally feel like you could pass for a real life adult.
You're turning 25 this year. The quarter life crisis has already begun to set in and you're spending more money on wine than you care to admit.
You're turning 30 this year. It's the big 3-0. In an attempt to get your life together you've started exercising, eating better, and reading internet articles on "productivity".
You're turning 35 this year. It's a big milestone but you're probably the happiest you've been in a long time. Do you wish you could somehow stop the clock? Sure. Are you killing the whole adult game? Of course.