QUIZ: Can We Guess Your Star Sign Based On Your Riverdale Opinions?
QUIZ: Can We Guess Your Star Sign Based On Your Riverdale Opinions?
Your star sign really does shape your Riverdale views.
Your star sign really does shape your Riverdale views.

Jughead is NOT a weirdo.
Kevin and Joaquin deserve more screen time season two.
The Pussycats were better with Veronica in the band.
Bughead should split up.
Melody Valentine is the most underrated character on Riverdale.
Archie's abs were the best thing about the first season.
Alice Cooper is a good mother to Betty and Polly.
Miss Grundy should return next season.
Your Star Sign Is: Pisces
Your Star Sign Is: Pisces
Your Star Sign Is: Aquarius
Your Star Sign Is: Aquarius
Your Star Sign Is: Capricorn
Your Star Sign Is: Capricorn
Your Star Sign Is: Libra
Your Star Sign Is: Libra
Your Star Sign Is: Virgo
Your Star Sign Is: Virgo
Your Star Sign Is: Leo
Your Star Sign Is: Leo
Your Star Sign Is: Gemini
Your Star Sign Is: Gemini
Your Star Sign Is: Aries
Your Star Sign Is: Aries